data – Kownter Simple, private, self-hosted, cookie free website day...maybe Mon, 05 Mar 2018 09:46:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Difficult Dates Mon, 05 Mar 2018 09:46:20 +0000 Read more]]> I had an interesting thought about dates which led to me learning something and then feeling a bit stupid.

The thing to bear in mind here is that I’m thinking a lot about how this tool could accumulate a LOT of data, and how I can make reporting fast.  Perhaps I should jus trust MySQL, but I don’t.

Laravel, by default, adds created_at and updated_at columns to tables in the database. These are TIMESTAMP typed values and always appear in “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” format.  I figured I’d use the created_at attribute for the timestamp of the pageview.

But then I was thinking about reporting, and how if, say, I wanted to show views from the last 7 days, this might be inefficient. The reasoning for this was that timestamps appear to be strings like “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS” as this is how you store them and this is how they are retrieved in queries. In my head I know that a string comparison is going to be slow so querying based on comparisons of this column felt like they could be bad.

So I actually got all the way to adding the current time as an integer timestamp in a separate attribute before stopping and thinking: how does MySQL store TIMESTAMP type values internally. And, it turns out, they’re stored as integers anyway.

I can use Carbon to easily set up the query parameters when querying this and all the comparisons are, internally, done numerically. So that’s cool.

Time to roll back!

Thoughts on WHAT to track and report Mon, 26 Feb 2018 09:05:06 +0000 Read more]]> I’ve been thinking about not just HOW to track, but WHAT to track. And these are related. My tracking method will, to some extent, dictate what I can track.  For example, using a simple pixel image or reference to a URL in HTML or CSS will not be able to send me the URL of the referring page.

And in meeting my goal of not using cookies and not keeping any personally identifiable information, I won’t be able to track users paths through a website.

This is perfectly OK for some applications. It’s not OK for everyone, but if you need that level of detail, we can still report the ratio of conversions against page views.

I wasn’t going to add event tracking, but maybe I’ll add events after all to help with this.  This WILL require a JS tracking code to be installed.

We’ll see.  Initially I’m happy with views per page over time, browser usage metrics and referring pages/traffic sources. None of these need personally identifiable information. It’s all anonymised and aggregate.

IP’s are personally identifiable information and will be logged in server logs (unless I turn this off), but I’ve seen it argued that, as long as your careful with log rotation and deletion (including backups), there’s a case for keeping this data temporarily without consent.
